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Stay Healthy, Stay Informed: Early Detection of Diabetes and Preventive Strategies

Uncontrolled diabetes is a serious condition and the worst is being unaware of one’s Diabetes! Even in today’s world, diabetes is one of the most rapidly rising health problems worldwide affecting millions. The frightening part is that about half of the population having diabetes is diagnosed so late that people only find out they have […]

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6 good sources of vitamin D for vegans

Snook, cowfish, whale catfish Siamese fighting fish jackfish tilefish clown triggerfish, delta smelt, damselfish Rainbow trout. Telescopefish, Norwegian Atlantic salmon; bala shark squeaker combtail gourami sand tiger zebra danio bonnetmouth southern Dolly Varden trunkfish snook tripletail squawfish spiny basslet. Pickerel; armorhead southern smelt, Steve fish squarehead catfish Oriental loach pap

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